0-1: Welcome

Do you have any idea how rare it is to purposefully seek out knowledge as an adult? To commit time and energy to focused study after the age when you are crammed in a classroom without much say in it? What you're doing right now, what you're preparing to do, is not the easy path, and for that I commend you.

But I also caution: learning well is not easy—especially with yourself as the guide.

"Self-directed learning" is a woefully understudied area of education theory. Adult learning—or "androgogy," as it's called—does not have the research focus of early childhood or adolescent learning. Consequently, there are few places that cater well to adults seeking to expand their knowledge. And those seeking to do so outside a traditional educational environment? Rarer still.

I've been teaching myself and helping other learners on their journeys for some time now—and that's after my career as a classroom teacher and school administrator. I'd like to think I've picked up a trick or two when it comes to learning well.

This course is the distillation of that experience. Whatever you wish to learn, I hope that the tools and strategies provided here will equip you for success. Guiding your own learning journey is difficult, but possible. It takes commitment, discipline, and careful thinking. With these, and the tools herein, I know you can succeed.

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